Help: Availability Estimate Definitions
Not yet published/released or Available for Preorder: The latest release date ... Help: How are Shipping and Delivery Dates Calculated?
For example, it takes up to two business days after an item ships to
reach you with
4 Days After Ordering From Amazon It Still Says Ordered : Useful Links
For expedited orders, my shipping is 1-3 days, but Amazon is showing my
The announcement said they would continue to ship fba orders. ... However most of our orders that are pending are not multi-item orders.
though the system shows they are still in transit, even after several days.
Amazon said many household items are out of stock due to increased
with her bank and now says that Amazon still have the payment pending and
Commissions are earned after the order has shipped.
Some banks might hold these authorizations for 7 to 10 business days.
You've ordered something on Amazon and wait excitedly for your package to arrive.