Help: Cancel a Return
You can cancel a replacement or exchange order by visiting Your
Orders. Help: Cancel Items or Orders
If you see the order in the Canceled Orders section, it was successfully canceled.
If your order shipped directly from Amazon and can't be modified, you may refuse
Amazon Can You Request Cancellations For Items You Already Ordered : Useful Links
If you have already generated the shipping label, inform the buyer that you are unable to cancel the order at this stage and ask them to return the item for a ...
If a cancellation request is submitted at this point, the seller should contact the buyer and inform him that the item has already been shipped. The buyer has the ...
if the cancellation subject is “Order cancellation request from Amazon customer
for purchases. If you email us for these reasons, we will ask you to contact the merchant, by which time they might have already shipped the item to you.
If the order has already entered the dispatch process, you can't change it.
of messaging you themselves so they have asked Amazon to do it for them.
Canceling an Amazon order is a simple process, so long as you manage to
Now that we know you can and must be fully refunded if you cancel your