Help: Cancel Items or Orders
we'll send you a confirmation message to the email address on your account. Help: Availability Estimate Definitions
The item will be ordered from a nearby distributor and is expected to be prepared
for shipment within that amount of days of your order. Usually ships in X-Y weeks
Amazon Closed My Account While Orders Were Preparing For Dispatch : Useful Links
and payment has been authorised (but not taken out of buyer's account).
In my experience “Preparing for shipment” is the phase between you printing ...
I called Seller Support and was told that my window to submit an appeal closed 5 years ago and Seller
Can I cancel my order and save my money or not?
“We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece”.
A Capture represents the transfer of funds, which were reserved during authorization, from the buyer to your account. To collect the
availability date and you have not yet shipped and confirmed the shipment.
On Amazon, does preparing for shipment mean my card has been charged?