Help: Cancel Items or Orders
If you see the order in the Canceled Orders section, it was successfully canceled.
If your order shipped directly from Amazon and can't be modified, you may refuse
Does Amazon Charge Cancelling Orders : Useful Links
No. (Refunded orders, do have fees in many cases;not cancelled.) P.S. I'd be more worried about the cancelling.
So with a true cancellation, a buyer is not refunded anything because they have not been charged (well, in the case of Amazon gift cards, those ...
They will take the product, if the order is on Cash on Delivery(COD) aka Pay on Delivery (Pay on Delivery), you will not have to do anything, they will simply return ...
If they used a debit card or prepaid card, Amazon charges the card immediately at order time, as there is no way to do a preauthorization hold. In ...
How can an order be placed if Amazon does not take the money?
If the order you wish to cancel has been shipped, read on to learn what to do in that ... charge you for purchases that are not shipped, so canceling a placed order is ...
Can't recall exactly when they introduced this admin change for refunds, but it's something like 2years+ I think, it does not apply to media category ...
If they have already processed a charge for the order, merchants can initiate refunds.
If you do process an order and the customer cancels the order after it was shipped ...