Help: Order with Prime FREE Same-Day Delivery
Same-Day Delivery is available seven days a week most days of the year, with
limited availability on certain holidays and high-volume shopping days, including
Amazon Prime FREE Same-Day Delivery
How do I get Same-Day Delivery? Same-Day Delivery is available for $12.99 per
order without a Prime membership. Select the delivery option at checkout. To get
6 things you should know about Prime Delivery
What delivery options do I get
with my Prime membership? Help: Same-Day Delivery Rates
Same-Day Delivery is available for customers shipping to select zip codes. Same -Day Delivery rates differ for Prime members and non-Prime customers.
Does Amazon Still Do Same Day Delivery : Useful Links
If you have an Amazon Prime membership ($99 per year), same-day
Amazon delivery driver walking toward a house
Amazon announced faster same-day shipping in Dallas, Orlando,
The new facilities allow Amazon to reduce same-day delivery times
Yet time and again, Amazon still manages to blow us away.
(They'll still have to pay $5.99 for same-day delivery if their order is less than $35. ) Non-Prime shoppers will continue to pay $8.99 per order and ...