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How To Track My Book Sales On Amazon : Useful Links


In order to check your sales report, log into your KDP account at https://kdp. amazon.com and access the "Reports" section on the KDP Dashboard. We have  ...


Amazon offers several ways to monitor your sales. The best option is direct tracking in real time, which you can do if Amazon orders print books from you (not your ...


Because KDP only reports a royalty when a copy of your book is shipped to fulfill a


If you want to find out how many print copies the book is selling, just click the Paperback or Hardcover edition of the book on Amazon, scroll down to Product ...


If you have self published your book through Amazon KDP, log in to your KDP account and click on the menu 'Reports'. There you can check per book sales, ...


Amazon KDP; Apple; B&N; Smashwords; Kobo; CreateSpace; Google Play; D2D. Imagine how much time it would take to manually check each of those ...


Ran an Amazon KDP Select promotion; Launched a publicity campaign; Initiated a blog tour. That's the why, what about what to track? This depends more on what  ...

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