Help: Track Your Package
Select Track Package next to your order. Items sent by sellers from the Amazon
Marketplace can also be tracked, but only if the seller has shared this information
... Help: How are Shipping and Delivery Dates Calculated?
Your order will arrive within five to eight days. Help: About Deliveries Shipped with Amazon
You can track your Amazon order in Your Orders. If you need more detailed help
with tracking your package, please visit Track Your Package. Estimated Delivery
When Will My Order Arrive Amazon : Useful Links
Amazon Map Tracker lets you watch your package get delivered in real time.
What am I paying for Prime for if a merchant fulfilled item will likely arrive faster?
Why does my Amazon alert say my package was directly handed off and ...
Amazon Map Tracking lets you see where your packages are in real time.
Buyers can file a claim 3 calendar days after the maximum estimated delivery date or 30 days after the ...
The item arrived beyond the estimated delivery date, but you would keep it if the third-party seller were to issue you a refund for your shipping costs. My order ...
not like Amazon could be slowing down my shipping so customers will buy it