Help: Multiple Charges for the Same Order
Orders may be split into multiple shipments or even multiple orders. Because we charge for items when they're shipped, this may result in multiple charges.
Why Does Amazon Split Orders : Useful Links
If your wondering why Amazon follows this model, it's because third-party sellers gain access to Amazon's customer base, and Amazon expands the offerings on ...
I find that orders are much less likely to be split if I run it in the ...
Amazon may split an order into any number of shipment. If the order contains pre- orders for something which isn't out for several months, then ...
I have an order with multiple items that need to ship in multiple packages. I buy postage through Amazon. Do I simply change the package ...
Items may be splitting into new shipments for a variety of reasons.
single order on the seller's website, your purchase may be split into multiple shipments or even multiple orders.
You can look at your order on the site and it does seem to show how the order was grouped, and there are smaller amounts, but they don't always ...
By default, all split orders will retain the order source, like Amazon. This can be
Hi, I have an Amazon product that is pretty heavy. When someone ordered 4, I split the order in shipping easy into 4 packages, then...