Help: Cancel Items or Orders
If you see the order in the Canceled Orders section, it was successfully canceled.
If your order shipped directly from Amazon and can't be modified, you may refuse
Why Does My Order Keep Getting Cancelled On Amazon : Useful Links
(I got this information from seller support) keeps placing orders from me
I spent a good hour talking to support via their chat thing, and every time I just kept getting "sorry sir nothing we can do, policy says we can uncancel the order or ...
Site owners should lead by being the prime example of how to do things correctly.
I went through customer support, but they kept telling me to just order again like it's nothing,
But instead of a parcel, you got an email from Amazon that your order
Do you / anyone ever get a sign that the Mods pick up on these ...
A seller from Amazon mysteriously cancelled my order and never responded. Did I just get scammed, or is it just an error? If so, what should I do?
My oldest removal order was made 7/10/20. I asked for 117 items to be ...
To keep track of the deadline, use the timer at the top of your book's setup pages (details, content, pricing). If you don't