Help: Resolve a Declined Payment
Go to Your Orders. Do one of the following: Try again with a different payment
method, as follows: Select Change Payment Method next to the order you want to
... Help: Proceed to Checkout
To review or change something about the order you placed before it enters the shipping process, go to Your Orders. Was this information helpful? Yes No.
Why Is My Amazon Order Not Going Through : Useful Links
It's not unusual for an order to be held in Pending for 2 or 3 days, so I wouldn't
There are several reasons why your Amazon order didn't go through. However, it is more likely that it did go through, but something happened that made you ...
I do not want my performance level to go down because a customer had
No problems at Amazon
How can I find a payment that I made using Amazon Pay on my credit card statement?
Weeks go by with your Amazon order not received.
I cancelled the order for the sake of safety, and went hunting through
purchases to your favorite charitable organization—no fees, no extra cost.