Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
me that my order is "Pending" and is giving me a ship date of 11/24 to 12/ 4.
I still had my 11 pro max on lease and will be returning it.
Did anyone else order a higher capacity iPhone 12 and have a later shipping
I could have bought my phone outright at the Apple store the day I ordered it, but for some reason put my trust in Sprint to deliver.
Cancelled as soon as I saw Sprint messing with the delivery dates and got it from an Apple Store on
7th 2020 11:16 am PT
It's looking like ALL Pacific Blue versions are delayed till 11/3 ship.
Apple iPhone 12 - From BestBuy. AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint/T-Mobile models. $799 99. Expired.
Posted on Nov 10, 2020 11:51 AM