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Apple Location Tracking Lawsuit : Useful Links


The second set of claims covered the location-tracking issue. Apple's software license agreements in 2011 stated that no location information ...


Apple sued over location tracking in iOS. Two people are suing Apple for tracking user information on its devices, saying the company should ...


A federal judge in California has ruled that Apple must face a lawsuit for secret location tracking on iPads, iPhones and iPods.


Remember all the fuss a couple years ago about Apple storing your location data from iPhone 4 handsets and the subsequent privacy lawsuits ...


Furthermore, Apple explained iOS devices do in fact collect GPS coordinates for cell tower locations and WiFi basestations to expand and refine ...


... a class action suit versus Google over the recent discovery that the company's iOS and Android apps continue to track a user's location even ...


U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh has dismissed a privacy lawsuit against Apple alleging that the company was collecting location data through ...


Two men have sued Apple over the iPhone and iPad location tracking practice researchers made public last week, according to court ...


Apple Inc must defend against a lawsuit accusing it of letting advertisers secretly track the activity of millions of mobile device users, a federal ...


He also announced that he and his law firm, Mirae Law, would be looking into the possibility of filing a class-action suit against Apple.

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