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Apple Secretly Tracks : Useful Links


A pair of researchers have found that Apple iPhones and iPads track users' locations and store the data in an unencrypted file on the devices ...


Once this change takes effect, probably in September, it will defeat systems that rely on a single, distinctive WiFi code to track shoppers by their ...


Facebook 'Secretly' Tracks Your iPhone Location—This Is How To


Here's how to access the secret map keeping track of where you go, plus steps for disabling it. There are no secrets kept from an iPhone. At least, ...


[UPDATE:] Separate research has found that Android devices are caching location data in much the same way as Apple devices. —-.


MacMost forum question: Apple Iphone Secretly tracks users Location Information ! ? Gary i reda this shocking article. Wanted your views on it...


Apple is preparing to shut down a trick that companies you've never heard of have been using to gather information about your shopping ...


Tech giant Apple has reportedly assembled a secret team of biomedical engineers to develop sensors that would continuously monitor blood ...


The flaw would have allowed malicious hackers to capture and modify supposedly safe data from Apple's Safari browser. The issue has been ...

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