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Apple Watch 3 Kid Tracker : Useful Links


That means parents may feel like they can trust Apple to not store their family's location data or sell it to third parties. In addition to location ...


Apple's Family Setup feature for the Apple Watch lets parents manage a


The cellular version of the Series 3 Apple Watch has what is called an eSIM and not a normal SIM card like most cell phones have. The eSIM is ...


Parents will be able to use their children's smart watches to track their


So, let's take a look at whether the Apple Watch is suitable for kids and a


Here's how Apple can help parents use the Apple Watch to track their kids…. Last fall my 9-year-old


If I get an Apple Watch series 3 LTE, would I be able to have my daughter use it as a gps/tracking wearable? ie if she's in school, would I be ...

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