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Apple Watch Sdk Sleep Tracker : Useful Links


For example , users can view and manage all of their data in the Health App, including ...


Although we have no idea if Apple plans on holding a Spring hardware event or even its annual summer WWDC developer's conference, we ...


New workout modules and automatic handwashing detection were rolled out at Apple's annual developer conference, but no update was ...


The problem is that there's still no sleep-specific API for devs, and the generic movement/heartbeat-tracking APIs are very limiting to build sleep- ...


I am planning to access the Apple watch tracking data(steps,sleep etc.) of a user through WEB/REST API on my webapp. I can't find any doc on ...


This works really well but because of technical limitations on the Apple Watch it required that you manually launch the Apple Watch app at the ...


With watchOS 7, there is a new Sleep app on Apple Watch.

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