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Byte Order Tif Apple Or Pc : Useful Links


When saving an image as a TIFF, in the TIFF options dialgoue box, the user is given the choice of "Mac or PC byte order." If I choose PC, does ...


This was due to software compatibility issues, specifically as it related to the way image file data was stored on a Windows versus Macintosh ...


Saving Tiff options - PC/MAC byte order? Feb 4, 2006. Hi all,. I was wondering about some options available when saving a PSD to a Tiff;. Pixel order -. What is  ...


TIFF Byte Order: Mac or PC? When saving an image as a TIFF file in Photoshop, you have to pick whether you want to use IBM PC or ...


At least I've never had any issues with byte orders when working with TIFF's now. Unless the file is being opened on an old Mac with legacy ...


Dave is 100% right. I am not sure about this, but I have heard that if you have the LZW compression selected in IBM byte order, problems can occur when printing.


When you save a TIFF in Photoshop you can chose between PC or Mac byte order. When scanning in Silverfast and using Normal [File] where ...


... cc2014 about a week now and almost every time I save as to replace the original tiff file, I have to change the byte order from Mac to IBM PC.


I think the "Mac/PC byte order" shows up when you are saving as a tiff. But I've never seen that to make any difference, whether I'm using a PC or a Mac.


Photoshop: Why include TIFF Byte Order default as Macintosh & how to permanently change to PC? When on the phone with an Adobe tech I ...

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