Enter tracking number reference of Audiobooks


Audiobook How Does Track Relate To Chapter : Useful Links


In this case, the content selection menu in the app should say Track 1, Track 2, etc. for non-chaptered audio instead of Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc. If ...


While iTunes caters for multi-track audiobooks, the result of copying these tracks to older Apple devices such as an iPod classic can be ...


The point where you started listening is marked with a gray circle on the timeline.


Just bought Audiobook Builder and loving it. One thing I haven't got clear in my head though, is the relation to parts, chapters & tracks.


If chapter names are unavailable they can be left out of the track title, but this should be avoided


Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston · Audio Options · Link to Text Audio (WMA file) · MP3 files · Chapter 1 · Chapter 2 (track 2 and 3) · Chapter 3.


I can't think of an automatic way to do this, but I would recommend downloading audacity and editing the audio files. Audacity is just free audio ...


You can see your progress in the current chapter next to the "Chapters" button (or chapter name). The time elapsed is on the left, and the time remaining is on ...


Sometimes it is because it is an adaptation from a CD and the CD tracks are ...

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