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Can You Order Audiobooks On Inter Library Loan : Useful Links


(If it happens to fit the grant rules, it can be an audiobook if you want.).


format in order to make the information accessible to the customer (e.g. a print copy of an audio book for a customer with hearing impairments, a larger print/audio ...


We provide access to downloadable audiobooks through. OverDrive/Libby, and ... (Libraries will loan items published a year ago or more.) ILLiad. Submit requests for interlibrary loans and library purchases through ILLiad. First time users will ...


please submit a SUGGEST A PURCHASE form instead of an interlibrary loan


First time users, see how to sign up below for interlibrary loan.


Library Catalog - for all desired formats including eBooks and Digital Audiobooks from OverDrive and Axis 360


You can place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) order one of 4 ways: Fill out an ILL form at the circulation desk, with the title, author, your name, and phone number/email  ...


If the item is available in-state we might get it inside of a week. Rarer items that are  ...

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