I use the software Audiobook Builder to merge single tracks from an audiobook to one file. Afterwards you can delete the originals if you want. You can find the ...
With iTunes and the new Music app for Mac, audiobooks are dumped into your
While many people use it to join audiobooks into single, long tracks, there's no reason why you can't use this app to join two or more songs.
Link to App on AppStore: MP3 Audiobook Player by Oleg Brailean.
Q: I am looking for software or a solution that can join multiple tracks of audiobook files into one single file—I know there are programs to ...
I found scripts by Doug Adams to help, especially joining chapters. Yes, book files are now m4b. Getting my books into Books does not always ...
Bonus round: Merging several CD audio lines into one. Joining tracks is a very slick feature, which for reasons beyond me Apple has hidden ...
To join the audiobook files, use a program such as iTunes, Free MP3 Joiner or Merge MP3. After you combine the tracks, you can transfer the single audiobook .
Audacity is an excellent piece of software. You should download it from http:// audacityteam.org/ rather than anywhere else to be on the safe ...
Select all the files you want to combine to make the audiobook.