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What Is Delivery Point Barcode : Useful Links


This digit is used by barcode sorters (BCS) to check if the ZIP, ZIP + 4, or delivery point ZIP codes contain an error. In a database, storing the ZIP + 4 code in a 10 ...


Delivery point barcodes (DPBC). Definition: The delivery point barcode, or DPBC  ...


Delivery Point Validation™ (DPV®) is the process of verifying that an address is ... Instead of using a Delivery Point Barcode as an address's unique identifier in ...


A delivery point barcode (DPBC) is formed by adding 10 bars (representing two additional digits) to the ZIP+4 barcode. The correct DPBC must be derived from ...


Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC). A POSTNET barcode that contains a ZIP+4 barcode plus two additional digits (10 additional bars) that designate a specific ...


From time to time, I get questions about how the ZIP+4 and DPC (Delivery Point Code, previously known as Delivery Point Barcode, or DPBC) ...


POSTNET barcodes can be printed as a 5-digit POSTNET barcode, ZIP+4 POSTNET barcode or a Delivery Point Barcode, which is also referred to as DPBC. If ...


Glad you asked. The idea behind the barcode is that the sorting machinery at the US Postal Service would read the code to help route mail more ...


Automation letters do not require an “AUTO” marking if they bear an Intelligent Mail barcode with a delivery point routing code in the address ...


Even if no mail is delivered at that specific address, the carrier will still scan the MSP barcode. Managed Service Points are selected ...

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