a enemy with the kobold Yikyik, fighting with him while the others talk about the Dungeon runes.
Much of the subplot of the second book is devoted to his growth as a leader and a man.
Belkar: —I need to pretend to have character growth! Shojo: That "faking sincerity " bit is [a] pretty useful trick, too. Trivia.
Stupid question but what exactly is Belkar's character development?
When attempting to fix her speech by revealing to Elan her innermost secrets, one
It's possible that Belkar could prove this in further character development: that is, horrified at his own vampirism and fearing that he may soon ...
Belkar. Thanks to his "fake character development", some insist he's Chaotic Neutral, despite Word of the Giant.
This post is really an excuse to talk about the two prior strips.
Scruffy, Blackwing and Belkar Bitterleaf. Advertisement: For the Order's animal companions (Mr. Scruffy, Blackwing, and Bloodfeast), see Animal Companions.
Belkar will basically go through the most character development out of all the characters in the order.