If you were signed in when you placed your BestBuy.com order, you can track your status. Here's how: Sign in to your account. At the top of the page, select ...
If you can't pick up your order within 5 days and you don't want it to be canceled,
If you're an Elite or Elite Plus member, you can choose point banking to save your points
My Best Buy Account Assistance
Sign in at BestBuy.com and select Report Missing Points.
We're Sorry This Order Cannot Be Looked Up On Bestbuy.com : Useful Links
We're sorry; we couldn't find your order.
The error on "Track your Order" says, "We're sorry, we're working on getting it to you soon.
Not a good look Sony and Best Buy. I agree
However, users were also met with the following message: "Sorry,
We're sorry.
When I look at my PayPal.com account, it shows this transaction as "pending.