If after the new estimated arrival date the item is still on
backorder, we will
Why Is My Best Buy Order Reserving Item Site Forums.bestbuy.com : Useful Links
"Reserving item" bestbuy.com Order Status, is such an amazingly thoughtful question by 'Kendra' in this Best Buy Support Community forum!
The status had been on preparing item since the beginning i believe, now
They told me after a certain amount of time if the status says reserving item for too long it will automatically cancel your order. The personĀ ...
For anyone interested: I was on a call with a BestBuy representativeĀ ...
If you pre-order something the item is yours because you put a reserve on it. Makes no sense!!! 2016-12-28. Use propsĀ ...
Hi there, I've seen this is a pretty huge problem with alot of people. Some people even waiting upwards of a month, only to never get their item.
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Order status Reserving Item since Feb 12. Chakachaka. New Member. Mar 11
My order from 9/14 is still "In Progress" and my in store pickup order for today