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Hayday How Do You Help Someone With Boat Orders : Useful Links


Note that if you help someone fill a crate for their boat, you will earn  ...


Hay Day is a farming simulation game by Supercell for mobile devices.


I'm new to Hay Day (been playing about a week now) and so still learning as I go. ... how do you help someone's farm besides the boat orders?


I'm fairly new to the game and have just unlocked the boat.


So when you are doing a help task and go into someone's town you


Helping others with boat orders -- partially fill crates. If a person asks for help with a boat order, normally you'd have to put the exact amount of ...


This page is info on helping others with orders, why to help and other misc. rewards. When you help out another player with a boat order or revive plants you get ...


Once you repair the dock, you will see a boat come down the river with some orders to complete. Boat Orders are requests for crops and products that are divided into several crates.

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