I can say "MYSTERY SOLVED" with certainty. That photo is taken in Charlevoix, MI on Lake Charlevoix in the harbor ( called Round Lake). The ...
We are calling on EVERYONE to help us reach our goal of 22 MILLION BURPEES and to raise $250000 to help veterans struggling with
How can I request duplicate tags?
photo by b. cohen. Here are the key
The forward end of a boat is called the bow, the aft end the stern. Facing forward the
of your driver license, learner permit or non driver ID (DMV photo document).
Even the famous photo of Soviet soldiers raising their flag after the Battle of
The Call Center is open Monday–Friday from 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., and
True Story. On a prominent recreational lake in the Midwest there is a big boat named “Change Order”. The building contractor who owns the boat ...
a superhighway right through the middle of their empire called the Nile River.