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New twist in Hudson River kayak murder case - CBS News

Aug 18, 2018 ... A New York woman is accused of killing her fiance, VIncent Viafore, while on ... And by the time she met Vincent Viafore, Angelika had been married and divorced twice. ... this cat ... that's the extreme side I think," Colvin's wife, Heather added. ... "Do you feel the boat filling with water because the plug is out?

Russian Mail Order Bride Kills Husband By Plug In Boat : Useful Links


A woman accused of killing her fiancé by tampering with his kayak and then


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Orlando man ejected through windshield, killed in Orange County crash, FHP says · The FHP says


An unidentified man leaves the hijacked Atlasjet aircraft, at Antalya


Researchers in Sweden have found Arabic characters woven into burial costumes from Viking boat graves. The discovery raises new questions ...


The Russian Navy initially downplayed the incident. Late on Saturday night, nine hours after the boat sank, Northern Fleet commander Admiral Popov ordered ...


The man was sailing in the Water Tribe Everglades Challenge, a roughly 300- mile race from St. Petersburg to Key Largo and was last tracked ...

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