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Order Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes : Useful Links


stop what you're doing right now, go buy a six-pack of Guinness, grab some chocolate, and head to the kitchen.


Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes are made of Guinness cake, Jameson Whiskey chocolate ganache and Bailey's buttercream frosting—the perfect St.


Technically though, I shouldn't even call these an Irish Car Bomb because things are out of order. The drink is done as follows: your trusty ...


The person ordering the drink then has to chug the whole thing as fast as possible as letting it linger will result in the shot curdling. It's delicious.


Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes ~ Well if you have been reading you know that I have a thing for Irish Car Bombs, but only in sweets for some St.


I had an order for my Irish Car Bomb cupcakes so I decided to try something new with them. As you might remember, in my original recipe, ...


You will start with a box cake mix and turn it into unbelievably delicious spiked cupcakes. The combination of Irish Whiskey, Irish Cream, and ...


Jun 2, 2012 - Folklore says that if you order an Irish Car Bomb in an Irish bar, you'll ...


An Irish car Bomb – a mixture of Irish whiskey and Baileys, served with a


Amazingly Awesome and Easy Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes - Perfect for St. Patrick's Day made with a box cake mix.

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