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Buckled Tracks And Bumpy Trucks Uk : Useful Links


In the UK dub, when Belle and Flynn say "We will", the end of Belle's line is cut off.


Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks Poster. It's a very hot day on Sodor and the tracks on Thomas' Branch Line are buckling under the heat. Meanwhile, Dowager ...


On that note, it's time to get this review underway! Buckled Tracks & Bumpy Trucks. Written by Lee Pressman.


Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks (UK) / Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Cars (US). Tit for Tat. Narrator: By the time Rex and Mike came back, Bert was looking as ...


Buckled Tracks And Bumpy Trucks. Why is the Fat Controller wearing a silly hat? To keep his head cool of course - which gives him a great idea. Thomas The ...


Here are my thoughts on Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks. Talk about an absolute mess of an episode. Did no one think of giving this a re-write ...

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