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Celestron Avx Tracking Accuracy : Useful Links


The Celestron Advanced VX is a computerized goto GEM mount that uses Celestron's NexStar + (plus)


An AVX mount will typically have at least 30 arc seconds of periodic error and that means you could see up to 30 arc seconds of drift during even ...


We guarantee that your tracking error will remain within 2” (two arc-second) range ptv total (or ±1”) or less within 95% of your exposure time. It means your mount ...


I recently got an Celeston AVX mount and have been trying to determine the positioning (not tracking) accuracy. I'm using a 72mm APO/Canon ...


We found that, with a 500mm lens, the tracking is so accurate that the possibilities for shorter lenses like 135mm, 77mm, and 15mm would ...


A huge upgrade in tracking and accuracy, the AVX has rekindled my excitement to do more astrophotos...what's great is my Celestron 8se tube fits right in the ...


the Celestron AVX and the Sky-Watcher HEQ5 is that the Celestron mount uses a ...

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