Should I just start reading through the book of Genesis?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Psalm 119:9, 11, 105. When asked by a new Christian where he should begin reading the Bible, Mr. Graham said, ...
Here is a preferred order for a new believer or a non-Christian who wants to start
An overview of the entire New Testament of the Bible in pictures.
For Christians, Bible reading is a lifelong routine — day by day, year by
usually clear from the context whether a section should be read literally or allegorically.
A lot of new and seasoned Christians have a story about their attempts
The Gospel of John - This is the best place for new believers,
This poses a problem for a new Christian doesn't it? Learning the Bible should be easy. Chronological Overview: The order by which the Bible ...
Unfolding Faith. Christian living, faith & discipleship