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Order Christian Crosses : Useful Links


The Order of Christ Cross also known as the Cross of Portugal (Cruz de Portugal) or the Portuguese Cross (Cruz Portuguesa), is a cross symbol of Portugal, ...


The German state of Bavaria has ordered Christian crosses to be placed at the entrances to its public buildings. Premier Markus Söder said ...


Roman Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran depictions of the cross are often crucifixes, in order to emphasize that it is Jesus that is important, rather than the cross ...


Markus Söder sparks outcry after saying cross is a cultural rather than religious symbol.


Grand Cross (GCC), which wears the badge of the Order on a sash on the right ...


Söder said the order did not break constitutional rules about religious neutrality because the cross was a symbol of the state's "identity" rather ...


Destroy crosses, Jesus images, put pictures of Mao and Xi Jinping: China ordering Christians · China's religious repression under Xi Jinping ...


Church officials say authorities are ordering the removal of signs of faith; Churches beginning to look more like "culture clubs"; Vatican and China ...


Bavaria's conservative government has said the crosses should not be seen as religious symbols, but are meant to reflect the southern German ...

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