Beyond Interpreter's House, Christian comes to the Cross, which stands on higher
The plain (across which Christian fled) is Bedford
The Interpreter shows him many images of Christian truths to remember on his journey. Christian comes to the place of the cross, realizes Christ's sacrifice for his ...
The Pilgrim's Progress, religious allegory in two parts (1678 and 1684) by the
On his way, Christian falls into a bog called the Slough of Despond, but he is saved.
they represent real places, situations, and obstacles that Christians encounter on
Legality. Christian turns aside to go to Legality's home (Mount Sinai = the Law). He climbs the hill and becomes afraid. Civility. Son of Legality. Evangelist. He asks, ...
of reading religious meanings hidden in everyday objects and events, which he houses in his Significant Rooms.
Visualizing Christian's journey on the Progress Bunyan plots for him has
City of Destruction, who run after Christian when he first sets out, in order to bring him back.