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Conduction Pathway of the Heart - YouTube

Mar 13, 2012 ... http://www.handwrittentutorials.com - This tutorial looks at the path by which the signal to contract is sent through the heart. It looks at the SA ...

Electrical Pathway Of The Heart In Order : Useful Links


The electrical stimulus travels down through the conduction pathways and causes the heart's ventricles to contract ...


The main parts of the system are the SA node, AV node, bundle of HIS, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. Let's follow a signal through the ...


How does the heart's electrical system work? · The electrical signal travels from your SA node through muscle cells in your right and left atria. · The signal triggers  ...


The third order of electrical influence of the heart is derived from the vagus


The SA node (called the pacemaker of the heart) sends out an electrical impulse. · The upper heart chambers (atria) contract. · The AV node sends an impulse into  ...


After passing through the AV node, the electrical current then continues down the conduction pathway, through a pathway called the bundle of His, and into the ...


Fig 2 – Overview of the individual components of the heart conduction pathway ...


In general, these can be considered as the shortest electrical routes between the nodes.


Cardiac conduction is the rate at which the heart conducts electrical

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