All listed E E and Cpt S courses, required electives, and prerequisites to these courses must be completed with
General; Microelectronics; Systems engineering (communications, controls, and signal processing). In addition to on its Pullman campus, WSU offers electrical ...
and Computer Engineering Track (minimum 3 credits 400-level E E courses) ...
EE Track. Elective 3. EE 415. Design Project. Management. 3. EE 361. Electric Power. Systems.
Accreditation. The Washington State University program in Electrical Engineering (WSU Pullman with WSU Everett and WSU at Olympic College, Bremerton) is ...
Bachelor of science in electrical engineering Electrical engineering is a diverse field of study encompassing much of the underlying technology of our modern ...
The Washington State University program in Electrical Engineering (WSU Pullman ...
WSU's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is an ABET accredited program where students conduct state-of-the-art work in algorithms ...
The program is a partnership between WSU and OC taught in Bremerton, in our new state-of-the-art EE Building. The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering ...
EE 331. EM Fld &. Waves 3. EE 341. Signals &. Sys. 3. Track. Elective. 3. EE 361. Elec Pwr. Sys. 3. EE 415. Proj. Mng. 2. EE 416. Elec. Engr.