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Etsy Estimated Delivery Time : Useful Links


For example: If the processing time for an item you purchased is 3-5 days, and the transit time for the shipping method you chose is usually 2-4 ...


Their transit times are very tight. I think just 2-3 days for domestic first class (really ?). This is also how soon a customer can leave a review or open a case if the item ...


On Etsy, a package which has arrived anywhere within the estimated date range, is considered to have arrived on time. As long as you have shipped the order by ...


As an Etsy help page tells buyers, “the estimated delivery date is based on a combination of the processing time for the items you ordered, the ...


For example: If the processing time for an item you purchased is 3-5 days, and the transit time for the delivery method you chose is usually 2-4 ...


Now anybody who has ever posted from the U.K. to the USA using this service knows that it does not take 5-7 days, more like 10-20. The estimate I give is 7-21  ...


Etsy will display estimated delivery dates to holiday shoppers, it announced today. There are pros and cons to such a ...


What do I give her as an estimated delivery time in the future? On average, my US orders take 7-9 days to final destination. However if I say that and it takes longer, ...


Etsy estimates 4 to 8 days. I have to explain to my buyers that it is not a realistic date. Ordered 5:00pm, Mon, Feb 4, 2019. Estimated ...

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