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Refunding Or Canceling An Order Etsy : Useful Links


If the order you want to refund is still processing, you can't refund or cancel yet. Most orders paid for with Etsy Payments to process within 24 - 72 hours.


The order meets one of the above criteria. The buyer has not yet received their item. (Received orders don't qualify for cancellation.) The seller ...


The refunding and cancellation is a 2 step process. Once you have refunded, then you cancel. Go to the order and on the right side, about halfway down is a ' ...


Go to the order page and click the 'cancel transaction' button. It's very small, and you have to be on the actual receipt page. It will ask you the same inane ...


When you refund, you get your DC or Paypal fees back, when you cancel, you get your transaction fees back as well. You can't cancel a DC sale however unless ...


When you cancel an order, Etsy refunds your transaction fee. If you want to leave feedback for the order, you need to do so before canceling it. After an order is ...


Did you ever Cancel the order? It's a two part process. You refund the transaction and then you Cancel. Go to Orders, find the transaction, click on the Receipt ...


As of today, we've expanded Etsy's policy for canceling transactions. A shop owner may now cancel a transaction in the event that the buyer ...

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