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Why Does Etsy Make Two Shipping Labels For One Order : Useful Links


Do you know if my customer gets refunded for the second label I deleted. For example, if they paid $5.50 for shipping and Etsy makes two labels, one for $2.00  ...


Is there a way to print 2 shipping labels with postage in Etsy? Each box will be


To do this, click the B to highlight the entire column. Under the home tab above, look all the way to the right and you should see "sort and filter" with a large A and Z ...


I want to ship them both in the same box so I only need one label and it


I accidentally purchased two shipping labels for one order. by BoBlanketsLLC. Etsy Seller. ‎02-14-2018 04:29 AM. Can I get a refund for the label I accidentally ...


We also use Etsy which has a simple button 'create another shipping label'. I would like to know if there is a SIMPLE way to create a second shipping label for the ...


This is available for orders where you've purchased a USPS shipping label on


a customer buys two different products, you can put them in one box with one shipping label.

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