A plugin that will make ACT parse Rift combat log files (/combatlog).
these steps are necessary, open ACT and try Plugins > FFXIV Settings > Test Game
Primarily a real-time log parser, ACT can import entire log files or use its History Database to search and import specific
I have everything setup in ACT and the program logs everything as it should.
Question: What should I check when ACT isn't recording combat? The first thing to check is to see if your game in question is actually writing to a log file. If ACT's ...
Contribute to FFXIV-ACT/setup-guide development by creating an account on GitHub.
Install Advanced Combat Tracker from the website Here.
ACT (Active Combat Tracker) helps calculate uptime, damage, and the skill
The log file is kept in C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\My Games\FINAL
The plugin's log files are full of what looks like sensible combat data.