to open the file or using Microsoft Excel's import data utility to load the CSV file.
First, get the data. Amazon makes this process outrageously easy. Just visit the Order History Reports page, enter in the date range you'd like to ...
you can retrieve the query history and save it to a data store such as Amazon S3.
You can try this for amazon orders: Go to 'order'-'order history' , click 'unshiped orders', then ' request report'.
The report includes order, shipment, and item data including price and shipping ... The Excel Import Wizard provides the option of selecting the File Origin.
Amazon has made it more difficult to see your order history.
I was using Amazon's order history page to match transactions and
The Amazon Redshift cluster and the data files in Amazon S3 must be in the
who placed the order, and/or the Amazon Reference ID / ORO ID, in order to verify that ... button to download the selected report, and then open the file in a notepad or ...
This extension extracts order history from your Amazon account. Amazon used to provide csv reports via…