After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile , ~/.bash_login , and ~/.profile , in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and ...
Language, I went through a lot of errors caused by inappropriate settings of those variables.
Zsh/Bash startup files loading order (.bashrc, .zshrc etc.) If you have
So typically (or sooner or later), what you will encounter are non-login shells. So this case is what you should write your config files for. This means putting most of ...
Finally, when you run a shell script, it is run in a non-interactive, non-login shell. The files that bash will read when launched depend on the type ...
the user's ~/.bashrc might point to /etc/bashrc in order to include it in the shell ...
In this series, I will document my experiences moving bash settings, configurations, and
If an equivalent file exists in your home directory it may override the global settings. An interactive login shell is started after a successful login, ...
OpenSSH allows you to set up a per-user configuration file where
Not to mention some of the OS-specific config files like .pam_environment .