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Can A Minor File A Restraining Order In California : Useful Links


Can a minor file for a DVRO? Minors who are 12 years old or older can file for restraining orders without the assistance of a parent or guardian.


If you are a parent and your child is being abused, you can also file a restraining order on behalf of your child to protect your child (and you and ...


A minor can request a domestic violence restraining order against an adult or another minor. There is no age requirement for filing a domestic ...


you can ask the court for a restraining order to protect you and your children.


There is no fee to file a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.


Minors 12 years old or older can file for restraining orders without the assistance of a parent or guardian. Same-sex partners are also eligible to file for ...


about domestic violence restraining orders can be found on the California Courts' - external link Web site.


While a few states, like California, will allow anyone over the age of 12 to file for an order of protection on their own, in most states, minors will ...


California takes threats of violence and abuse of children very seriously. As a result, there are few limitations on who can file a request for a ...


Who Can Apply For a Restraining Order? A person who has the following relationship with the ...

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