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Can A Parent File A Restraining Order Against Their.childs Will : Useful Links


For protection, you can ask the court for a restraining order to protect you and your


I am 16 and my friend is 23. We are NOT involved romantically and have no intentions to become involved that way. We are just friends.


If you are a parent and your child is being abused, you can also file a restraining order on behalf of your child to protect your child (and you andĀ ...


abuser represents a credible threat to your physical safety or to your child's physical safety.


is not available. Otherwise, your parent, guardian, or person who has legal custody will need to file on your behalf. If your parent or custodian filesĀ ...


Order that the abuser cannot abuse or hurt your or your child's pet as a way to


their access to the child is currently prohibited by a temporary or permanent protective order


the parent-child relationship, you must file for the protective order in the court in


You can ask the judge for a TRO by filing a Motion for Temporary Restraining Order,

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