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Can An Employer File A Restraining Order : Useful Links


A workplace violence restraining order must be requested by an employer on behalf of an employee who needs protection. The court order can last up to 3 years.


Employers can obtain court orders prohibiting unlawful violence or credible threats of violence against ...


... some states will allow you (the employer) to file for a restraining order against the abusive person. The restraining order can protect you, the abused employee  ...


In reality, restraining orders are a tool that can be, and should be, used


asking an employee to obtain a Protection Order, or may prompt an employer to obtain its own Protection Order.


If you are having problems at work with violence or threats of violence, you should talk to your employer. Does this law apply to all employers? It ...


In order to obtain a temporary restraining order, the employer must be able to establish by the evidence that there has been an act of violence or a ...


Protects employees from workplace violence. A Workplace Violence Restraining Order can only be requested by an employer on behalf of their employee. Private  ...

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