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Can Someone File A Restraining Order For Someone Else : Useful Links


Can I takje out a restraining order FOR someone else who needs the help but is too afraid? My elderly parents have my 21 year old nephew living ...


You can also file for an order of protection on behalf of someone else if: You are the parent, legal guardian, or person who has legal custody of ...


you can file a civil harassment restraining order against someone you are not close ...


Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Restraining Orders can be filed via the court  ...


Can I get an OFP for someone else who is being abused? You can apply for an ...


It can be a friend, relative, adviser, caretaker, anyone. You can apply on someone else's behalf if you're their trustee, guardian, or conservator ...


You can file for a stalking protection order FOR SOMEONE ELSE if: You are filing on behalf of a minor child who is a victim of stalking whereby you are a parent, ...


humiliation, constant criticism or name-calling, isolating the victim from others,

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