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Can You File A Restraining Order Against Daughter's Boyfriend : Useful Links


If the boyfriend has committed a crime, then yes. If you just don't like him, then no. In that case, you need to come to grips with not liking your ...


Your parents are allowed to file for an injunction for protection (a "restraining order") on your behalf to keep him away from you or they can file ...


You can also file for an order of protection on behalf of someone else if: You are the parent, legal guardian, or person who has legal custody of a ...


She has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety since she has been with him. We believe he is manipulating her and being mentally ...


Default Can I Get a Restraining Order Against My Daughter's Boyfriend. My question involves restraining orders in the State of: South Dakota


If your daughter is a minor, and you are concerned for her safety, you can also request that the court order him to stay away from her. I would ...


... been granted a restraining order against her daughter's boyfriend, who was.


CAN I GET THIS CAR BACK? IS IT TOO LATE? Read answer. Question: My ex- wife took out a protection order against my 17 year old daughter's boyfriend back  ...


They cannot do so on YOUR behalf unless they can allege that he has YOU or committed an act of domestic violence against YOU. If they filed ...

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