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Can You File A Restraining Order On A Baby : Useful Links


For protection, you can ask the court for a restraining order to protect you and your children. You can ask for custody, visitation (also called "parenting time"), and ...


Note: A minor who is being stalked by anyone (including a family/household member) can get a restraining order based on “stalking of a child” if ...


If your child is 12 or older, he or she can file the restraining order on his or her own. If you do not qualify for a domestic violence restraining order, ...


Step 1 – Report abuse to the Division of Child and Family Services · Step 2 – Petitioner fills out the required forms and files them with the court.


Can I get an OFP for someone else who is being abused? You can apply for an OFP for a child in your family or ...


If you are over 18 and were protected by a restraining order as a child and that order is still in effect,  ...


A petition for Order of Protection can be filed in city, justice, or district court. If you and the other party have a family law case happening in district court, the petition  ...


is issued for a specific period of time - at least 180 days but not to exceed one year.


How do I get an Order of Protection through Criminal Court? If you are  ...

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