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Can You File Bankruptcy On Court Ordered Attorney Fees : Useful Links


Attorney fees can, and should, be included in any bankruptcy filing. The larger question is whether attorney fees can be discharged in a ...


Courts may rule if attorney's fees were not specifically ordered to be paid in the original child support decision, those fees are dischargeable in ...


That label may be one factor, but the bankruptcy court will make its own determination.


Unfortunately, some obligations will remain including certain legal fees. Generally speaking, unsecured legal fees are fully dischargeable in a ...


If you fail to do so, the court could deny your Chapter 7 petition altogether,


Court of Appeals has also ruled that court-ordered payment of attorneys' fees


If you're asking whether you can discharge the debt owed to your former attorney, the answer is probably yes. You will not discharge the court's ...


owed to a family law attorney by a client or former client that has now filed bankruptcy.


He fought it in court and ultimately was ordered to pay the 5000.00. The catch is ... First question is why do you think that the attorney's fees are ...


Other family law attorney fees, for things other than child support or alimony, could be dischargeable in bankruptcy court because those types of ...

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