/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/completion.rb:10:in require': no such file to load -- readline (LoadError). One way of fixing this is to compile readline, which is distributed ...
Help with spec_helper.rb ( LoadError: cannot load such file
In your case: cd C:\Users\Akshay\Downloads\Compressed\chef-repo\cookbooks knife cookbook upload apache. if this doesn't work you can ...
Description I'm unable to use the verifier inspec, within test-kitchen, if I enable
Whatever queries related to “`require': cannot load such file -- httparty (LoadError) ”
Open http://aws.amazon.com/ and choose Create an AWS Account. Follow the online instructions. Installing the SDK. If your project uses Bundler ...
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/completion.rb:10:in require': no such file to load -- readline (LoadError). One way of fixing this is to compile readline, which is distributed ...
cookbook directory when running commands such as knife cookbook upload .
runlevel check fails when shutting down" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution:
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