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Delivery Error End Of File Reached : Useful Links


Email delivery error: end of file reached. Rendered mailer/reminder.text.erb within layouts/mailer (0.0ms) Rendered mailer/reminder.html.erb within ...


But Actionmailer fails to send it and I get this as answer: "End of file reached". And the Email is not sent. (no error on the GUI either, just in the ...


An error occurred while sending mail (end of file reached). Added by sandeep sp about 10 years ago. Hi All,. I am in the process of email configuration for ...


Dear all, I am facing very strange issue on Redmine . Email Notifications are working perfectly fine while Adding/updating tracker. Issue i was ...


Also I note that ALL my apps in development, using similar settings are throwing the same error. I tried a different email address and password ( ...


... when i click the "send a test email" button, it throws an error end of file reached. Could some suggest how the configuration should look like?


SMTP error "EOFError (end of file reached)" is unclear


I'm having trouble making email notifications work on Greenligh. I set up the SMTP credentials in .env file, then restarted greenlight with docker- ...

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