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Display Files In Order Of Most Recent Modified Unix : Useful Links


Try using head or tail. If you want the 5 most-recently modified files: ls -1t | head - 5. The -1 (that's a one) says one file per line and the head says ...


One solution is: find . -type f -mtime 90. That finds files that was last modified 90 days ago (in those 24 hours that started 91 x 24 hours ago and ended 90 x 24 ...


Thanks a lot. I initially wanted to list files by date modified. But, you went even further and explained how to reverse the order. This seemed to ...


it's rather more complicated; see How to list files sorted by modification date recursively (no stat ...


Learn how to find files that have been changed recently in Linux.


The 'ls' command lists all files and folders in a directory at the command line, but by default ls returns a list in alphabetical order.


Most of the commands list files within individual directories while others reach as deeply into a


which sorts the files and folders in reverse order based on the conversion time.

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